Frank's Photo Album
Background image: M81 Spiral Galaxy (credit: Wai-Hao Wang)

The Shaw Lecture in Astronomy 2009

Interviews with Frank Shu
- The Shaw Prize 10th Anniversary (2012)-Professor Frank Shu, The Shaw Laureate in Astronomy 2009
- Interview of Frank Shu by David Zierler (2021)
- Five Questions With Frank Shu at Stony Brook University (2017)
- Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) Forum Lecture Series on "Reversing Climate Change with Molten Salt Technologies"(2017)
- 2017第20屆吳健雄科學營 | 閉幕典禮
- Interview of Frank Shu by Bo Reipurth (2015) (PDF)
- Reversing Climate Change: Biochar in Ten Minutes (2014)
- Carbon-Neutral Coal in 10 Minutes? (2014)
- Noted Astrophysicist on Alternative Energies/RAW Science (2014)
- Modular Thorium Reactor/RAW Science (2014)
- Energy: Oil vs. Renewables. vs. Nuclear/Thorium/RAW Science (2013)
- 美好世界 智慧無界限(王怡茹&王紹容&郭丹穎) (2013)
- Interview during the conference Frontiers in Contemporary Astrophysics, UNAM (2013)
- 徐遐生院士談地球新能源/天聞季報2013年夏季號 宇宙能量特輯
- 徐遐生院士憶恩師 林家翹/天聞季報2013年春季號 密度波五十
- 典範的追尋/臺北市立天文教育館臺北星空第47期 專訪徐院士 (2010) (PDF)
- 2012第15屆吳健雄科學營
- 2010第13屆吳健雄科學營
- 中時電子報 2010 年採訪徐院士( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4) (2010) (PDF)
- 清華大學徐遐生校長訪談/物理雙月刊 (2003) (PDF)
- Frank Shu Named University Head/Science Letter (2002)

Saturday Morning Physics
Solar, Wind, Biofuels, and Nuclear Energy: How Much? How Soon ? How Expensive? | Part 2